
Midsouth News

Visit the Pony Club main site for national news and updates: Pony Club Updates Pony Club E-News Pony Club Blog

2024 Champs & Festival  https://www.ponyclub.org/events/championships  https://www.ponyclub.org/events/education-at-festival

South Camp information   

Rally Horse Management Zoom Meetings click link

Midsouth Horse Trial Sponsorship Opportunities - Here is a chance to supplement our region's fundraising goals through club, individual and business sponsors. Click on this link to print the Sponsor signup sheet.  Sponsor info sheet

2024 Standards Update summary click the link

2024 USPC Festival information  click the link 

Midsouth Calendar - highlight and paste into browser



Newsletters:    Feb '23,  Mar '23, Mar-Apr '23, Apr-May,  Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec, Dec-Jan, Jan-Feb'24March - April '24, May-June "24

Lessons with an NE:  

2024 Dates:  click link for entry form and dates

May 25 @ Percy Warner, Nashville, TN with Sarah Shade.                                      Closes April 25th

Important!! These lessons are for ALL levels. Groups are      formed based on rider level so there will be a suitable group offered for each member. 

Get to know your National Examiners! 
These lessons are an opportunity to receive feedback from an NE and for those considering any certification.  Due to changes and additions during the year, current dates  will be listed on this page instead of the web Calendar pages  

2023-24 Midsouth Junior Board members:    President - Ruth Rosendaul,  VP -  William Coon, Treasurer - Abigail Beckman, Over Secretary - Ella Widman,    Communications - Aurea Dove & Ellie Cheung,  Project Managers - Lilli Seto & Lila Morgan

Upper Level Testing Information:

* NOTE - these outlines will be updated after the new Standards are published in January.

Click on Members: Member Materials on the menu bar to view C3 & B  outlines for your testings, the USPC Record Book file,  lesson ideas and other helpful aids for upper level candidates.

C3, B, A    Eventing testings can be taken in two phases:

 C3 - Phase 1: Turnout, Bandaging, Longeing and Riding on the Flat. 

        Phase 2: Riding Over Fences.  *HB must be passed before the B.

 B -  Phase 1: Bandaging, Longeing and Riding on the Flat.                         Phase 2: Riding Over Fences. *C3 must be complete.

 A - Phase 1: Riding on the Flat.  Phase 2: Riding Over Fences.

*The C3 & A riding sections may be completed before the HB or HA but no change in your rating will be recorded unless you complete the relevant HM test. 

Midsouth Dues: 

        prorate $35 

        timely renewal by 11/15 $25

        late renewal after 11/15 $30
Regional Dues are to be sent to: Becky Logsdon, 8425 Baptist Church Rd. SE,  Elizabeth, IN 47117-8452






2024 Pony Club Fundraiser Shows:   

Save the dates and support each other whenever you can -

Jump Start HT - September 27-29

Middle TN HT - October 5-6

2024 Mega Rallies: 6/18-23

Link for D Rallies volunteer sign-up:


>>>Rally Fact Sheets and Entry forms will be on the Forms page

KHP Rules - important! All drivers of golf carts must have a full drivers license - even if an adult is sitting in the seat next to the underage driver.  No more passengers than the number of seats in the golf cart.  KHP police will ticket overloaded carts.

**Deadline for testing up is Opening Date 

Note: Both D1 and Open CT Rallies may have two riders share one horse.  

D1 Rally offers Ground Poles or 12" options.

Open CT Rally has Pre-Starter, Starter and Beg Novice  

Open Eventing Rally has Pre-Starter 2' & Starter 2'3"

Beg Novice level will be included with the Open HT

D1 & Open Rallies, Dressage Rally & Show Jump Rally -                           open 5/23; close 5/30  

Qualifying Rally opens 5/7 close 5/30.  Dates are 6/23-25

    SJ -  $190/$55 SM  Includes 2 nights stabling.

    DR -  $190/$55 SM  Includes 2 nights stabling.

    D1 -  $185   No charge for C Advisors; 2 nights stabling.

    D2/D3/Open CT -  $190/$55 SM  Includes 2 nights stabling.

    Non-Q EV -   $230/$55 SM  Includes 2 nights stabling.

    Qualifying Rally - *Str $335; BN-Tr $345; Pre/IP $355. SM $55 all                 levels. Includes 3 nights stabling - Th>Sat only.                                *No Starter div at Champs.

Stabling info and layover form will be posted on the Forms page when available.

National Championships 2024 - see Festival info

Opening Date: Monday, May 1, 2024
Closing Date: June 24, 2024
Qualification Period: April 1, 2023 - June 24

Note: C3 & up members do not have to attend a regional rally to compete as long as their RS approves their entry.  C+ not included.

Champs offers Modified Divisions starting at 10 yrs old and BN level for Ds - see the current Eventing Newsletter posted on ponyclub.org for more info.  Starter is NOT offered at Champs.